Day 10: Pick up a Hitchhiker

Day 10: Share five random facts about yourself. Share four things from your bucket list. Share three things that you hope for this year, as a “person” or an educator. Share two things that have made you laugh or cry as an educator. Share one thing you wish more people knew about you.

Day 10 in the Reflective Teacher Blog Challenge is an easy one!

Share five random facts about yourself.

  1. I love string cheese.
  2. I hate chocolate.
  3. Reading books are difficult for me.
  4. Driving in the sun makes me fall asleep.
  5. My phone is yellow.

Share four things from your bucket list.

  1. Ride a train.
  2. Pet a lion.
  3. Write a book.
  4. Write a song that thousands of people will sing.
  5. Pick up a hitch hiker.

Share three things that you hope for this year, as a “person” or an educator.

  1. Get violin lessons.
  2. Pass my music test.
  3. Save money.

Share two things that have made you laugh or cry as an educator.

  1. Students who can't pronounce my name.
  2. On our first test of the year, one of the funniest students I have answered with this for one of the questions. 

Share one thing you wish more people knew about you.

  1. I like quiet.